Monday, November 1, 2010

Cik Cik Cik

remaja sekolah: akak, akak umur brape? akak dah kawen kan?
aku: akak umur akak belum kawen la dek..naper tanya macam tu?
remaja sekolah: lah, mati2 saya ingat akak dah kawen..sebab cara akak matang kot..hehe..senyuman akak pun sweet *yg ni takde kene mengena dengan topik*.
aku: sengih dalam sms..

Sometimes hairan, why some people thought that I'm married.
Do I look that old? Or what ha? Do I behave like someone married? Do I look like someone yg ada husband. Haha..funny..
I belum kawen ok, status saya masih Cik.
Bangga jugak status cik ni.
Free pelbagai perkara.
Contoh mudah, nak keluar rumah.
Tak perlu minta izin siapa-siapa.

Hehe. Tak gemar lah cakap pasal married life. Itu akan jadi personal.
Unless people eager nak tahu. Itu pun perkara yang halal untuk diberitahu saja ok..:P

Hurm, lately kan. Let me tell you a secret. My heart's secret.
I feel so empty. This feeling was obviously felt sejak sabtu hari tu..

Encik Sayang........saya sangat rindu awak...:'(.
Runtuh hati ku bila kenang kan dirimu yg jauh beribu batu.

Ok, aku tak suka post entry berbaur lembik begini.
But this is me, this is a feeling I cant hide.
I tried to fight, I tried to be strong tapi diri rasa lemah at times.
I cant do anything to get close to him.
I cant be near..:(

The only reason I have the strength is to think of his kindness and loyalty to me.
Also, he's the one I'm waiting for..~
I have no other men..
I might look fun and crazy at times but for this thing, I'm giving my all out to make things work.
We both do.
He gives his best to ensure this long distance relationship works.
He sacrificed a lot too.
Tak sanggup nak cheat on him, tak sanggup terima ajakan orang lain.
Tak mahu..Because Encik Sayang doesn't deserve lies..
Sayang, I really miss you so much..You know I'm glad time goes by so quick.
It's already Nov 2010..
InsyaAllah we will meet again next year..
And you know..If Allah permits us..We will be together..:)

*Actually tengah skype dengan nya..Saja lepas rindu di blog..haha..*


Encik Sayang...:) said...

seyes trsngt2 la tersentuh...
kita sama2 berkorban k...
insyaallah b,dgn apa yg kita dah buat skrg ni moga2 dapat redha dan pertolonganNYA...

jodoh ni sebenarnya pelik tau...
makin kita kejar jodoh ni,makin dekat dia datang b...:)

alhamdulillah dpat syg sweet mcm ni...tgh skype pn still mahu tulis2 jgak kat blog...padahal dh lps wndu pn kat skype tu...hehe...;)

love u baby...:)

~~DucKneSs~~ said...

buleh ke aku rasa jeles di sini? hahah

tapi, syukur padaNYA.. the good will get the good..hahha..n yes, u do look budak tu tnya sbb dia nk ckp u cun, y xkawen lagik..sbb yg cun musti rmai yg da mntk..but then, u've stated that u r waiting for him..aku doakan semoga penantian itu tak lama, dan aku mo hadir knduri itu ^____^

Encik Sayang...:) said...

Ameen ya rabbal a'lamin...thanks yer duckness...:)

i'm photografer not terrorist said...

to Encik Sayang.. cepat2 ler balik kat DIA.. hehehe jgn tunggu lama2..

Kalau dah jodoh. tahun depan akad la terus. tak payah windu2 dah.. tak payah skype dah...

Kesian sebenarnya duk jauh2 camtu..

He He He

~~DucKneSs~~ said...

u both make me laugh pagi2 ni..

aku komen kat z, tp incik dia yg bls..hahhaa..sehati sejiwa..itu yg penting..

Anonymous said...

sokong DucKneSs... Idup DucKneSs

cik DucKneSs kesian kat dia orang tu, berjauhan katakan.

Biaq Sehati Sejiwang... baru

~~DucKneSs~~ said...

sokong eh? jom buat ombak sket..hehs