Tuesday, October 19, 2010

More Colours, More Spice

Hari tu aku dah fikir, bosan amat bila kerja ni.
Bila study di uni dulu, bukan main tergedik2 nak kerja.
Alasan? Nak rasa duit sendiri.
Ha, now rasakan.
Kerja itu routine-daily activities only.
Wake up around 530 am, return home at 530 pm.
Shower, perform solah and get ready to sleep.
It repeats every weekday.

On the weekend I would just stay at home, relaxing and lazying around.
Tonton tv or masak anything I long for.

Bila zaman uni dulu, weekdays pergi kelas, lewat petang pergi jalan-jalan. Malam kadang-kadang pergi keluar makan ramai-ramai.
Weekend keluar jalan-jalan lagi, picnic or travel ke daerah lain.
Bila cuti panjang sket, travel europe. Adventurous sebab perlu be more careful di negara orang, tapi experience, PRICELESS!
Apart from that, join jugak student societies. Sronok, organized macam2 events. Tiring yet Exciting!

Kalau duit terasa banyak, pergi factory outlet.


Bila habis belajar, sebulan gemukkan badan di rumah and then off to Bintulu to work.
Rezeki kat sini, aku nak komplen banyak pun no use.

My point here is, I want to be someone useful.
Someone who contributes to the society.
I made a mistake by knowing someone not-so-good to be friends with.
Full stop pasal dia.

Far away from family and close friends, I have limited choice of friends.
I need to be selective to whom I share my ups and downs with.
That is why I have Encik Sayang with me.
He's the bestest friend I ever had.
But that's not the case.

I planned to do a lot of things.
Always to be better each day.
I want to be occupied with healthy activities, mix around with good people, learn new things, learn more ilmu agama.
That is why I'm glad to join any societies here, at least takde lah bosan banget, mati kutu.
Luckily my company provides me one. hehe

Or else, I will be drifted and deceived.
Here, all people you love are far away, no one will take care of you better than yourself.
I'm not surprise to see scandals are all around.
Name it, suami orang, isteri orang. Semua pun jadi.
Orang jadi makin desperate.

Ok enough.

So yeah, I got a plan on this Friday night. Hope it goes well:)
Living in a working life doesn't mean you need to stop contributing.


1 comment:

~~DucKneSs~~ said...

bestnya kalo ada persatuan opis..life wont be so booooooring..