Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Just bear with my incoming posts.
Full of emotions, let me be. This is how I heal myself.
After all, this is my ermm..sweetest escapism.

I tried to close my eyes, I tossed and turned but I can't sleep.
Tears, tears and my eyes are red now.
My heart is in pain.

You, thank you for at least responding to my texts.
So yeah, it ended well I guess.
We both tried so hard, we sacrificed a lot to make things work.
We've been there, almost to the finishing line and almost reached the top but..we fail.
The walls are crashing down.

I'm sorry for all the pains I put you through.
I hope at least I cheered up your life.
I want you to live your normal life without me.
Let's move on, the best we should do.

It's 436 am now, try again to sleep.
People, I'm sorry.

I will mend this broken heart.
Please give me time.

anyways, what is my old blog?
i forgot, my bad.
Url please..anyone remembers it?


~~DucKneSs~~ said...

hahha..old blog?lupa jugak..

anyway, take ur time to heal..i guess u'll just need a short time as u r strong..n u need to be extra strong for the upcoming..

Cik Specky said...

ku doakan yg terbaekk utk kamu! *hugs*

~ btw, ur old blog? which 1? punchingbag or watashi ape tu? i think i ade url yg tu lg kot kat my old blog...

take care sweet lady!

rhapsody LiN said...

**hugs ketat2 utk kamu..** xmo sedih2 eh :)

url lama??
erkk.. lupa lahh.. ngengg~