Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Heartbreaking News

Today went pretty well, as usual workloads are mounting yet still have time to have fun. hehe.
Received a heartbreaking news from a friend. Heart was aching, felt the pain though it has nothing to do with me.
Ya Allah, please grant us happiness, protect us from any harm and danger.

I had some lessons learnt.
ONE, Cherish and appreciate people around you.
To those you're close with, tell them you love them. Reduce you ego *this is hard tho*
To friends, be nice and smile at them. You wont lose anything.
Also, learn to forgive and forget. Move on, expect less, smile a lot and be happy. Be sincere and everything will be at ease.
Yes, bak kata orang muda, cakap senang lah.
Memang pun. Tapi at least kita always ada that self awareness.

Istiqamah lah walau sikit pun usaha kamu.

TWO, always be thankful for whatever you have. Sometimes, a little thing brings a huge significance to you, it's how you see and appreciate it.
We complain and whine at times, but we don't know others who suffer more than we do. Some other people are more unfortunate than us. Seriously they do.
Remember, Allah has created tests and trials differently to us. Each individual will have different tests and trials, depending on one's ability. None of the tests are beyond it.
Plus, Allah never promised life is going to be easy, but Allah promised to be with us along the way as long as we seek Allah.

THREE, find a good man to marry. A man will lead the family and somehow he will determine how well the family is going to be. True, no? Agree, yeah?

Ok, enough.
Will update more after cooking, having dinner and..err...if rajin I study tonight. Argh, saya sungguh malas. Mari paksa diri. T_T.

Take care, salam.

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