Friday, November 5, 2010


  1. You know, I don't need approval from unnecessary people. People who come and go, people who love to criticize, people who love to see others fall and fail. Nah, don't need ya approval.
  2. I hate it when the day of the month comes. It swings crazily, full of despair and swizz. Fragile, volatile, vulnerable. Oih, all negative. 3 nights in a row rained heavily, attached with thunders too.
alamak, he's calling.
talk later ok.
tomorrow sabtu, but I'm going to work. Saja boring. Uergh..;)

1 comment:

~~DucKneSs~~ said...

hoyeahh..recently i've noticed yang kaum lelaki mmg amat derita kalo their soul-mate dilawati 'kawan karib'..but then, it's the risk they have to bear la..huahahhaha..*gelak jahat..